Capital adventures

By marchmont


I had a great night's sleep. Then back to the cafe for breakfast, orange juice, toast and marmalade and tea.

A good meeting, if a bit rushed at the end. New structures are on the way. And there was a lot of talk of performance management and better communication. Kate C is blooming. Only 2 and a half months to go.

It was a lovely morning in London. The sun sparkled off the Gherkin and it felt quite mild.

We had a working lunch. Sarnies from the cafe, and cake. Looked a bit squidgy. I forwent it. I think the sparky gherkin might have been a better option.

Then, as I was leaving, messages started to arrive that my email had been hacked. Merde! Took ages to sort out because when I got home and went on the laptop it was in Arabic. Seems to be sorted now though. Fingers crossed.

That wasn't the only thing that went wrong. eastcoast had apparently run out of trains and were borrowing a cross country one. How can a TOC run out of trains? So less space, no seat reservations, virtually no catering (a blow when your in 1st), fewer carriages, and no power in my carriage. Which was especially hard as my phone really needed charging. I got v down to 7%. I felt sorry for the catering crew who were having to offer paper cups and crisps. And we were late, just 12 minutes but long enough. And it was freezing. I was glad to get home.

Travel is not glamorous.

I came home to a gift from Seven and France - a calendar of the villages fleuris in Tarn et Garonne. So lovely of M. le Maire and his wife.

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