a town called E.

By Eej

One ossum 'possum

There was much water today - fortunately nothing in the house but the garage resembles a pool and the whole world is soggy. Still, it could be worse.

When I opened and closed the garage door (the gate is still immobile despite the thaw) I noticed some scuttling on the plank feeder. "Is that a cat?" I thought out loud. "What a short little fat thing that is! Wait a second - that's not ... is that? WTF? It's a POSSUM?!

And it turned its big not-very-attractive head and sure enough.
I have never seen an opossum that 1. wasn't dead and/or mashed beyond recognition and 2. was wandering around in the daytime. And that's not taking the fact in account that it's in my backyard/birdfeeder and being yelled at by 2 very upset Percys.

There was plenty of time to get the camera out, walk slowly towards it, take photos, walk away, go inside, pet cats, go back outside and taking more photos. Fast movers they are most certainly not. In fact, I would not at all be surprised if it was still there now.

I didn't get too close as there's no need to upset it, plus, their teeth are a bit frightening ;)

I did some research and apparently it's not at all uncommon to see them during the day in the winter, and I shouldn't be surprised it chose my backyard to hang out; almost everyone does :)

Large is rather cool - I think.

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