
By amartian

Feeling a wee bit heavy hearted! As I come to write my blip thinking ...'Oh, Was a bit Grrrr at this today, a bit Grrrr at that'.

But ... really ... slept a wee bit late, a tidy up, up the hill, weather mince and all the tows not open but some fun practicing my little 360 ski turns, chatting to some folk who got up at 5am just to get a slide and kept just hiking up where the tows were closed (puts those Grrrrs in perspective!), some digging the copious snow to find huts, home, phaff, and out for some lovely food, a wee glass of wine, some lovely banter, lovely folk and some awesome live music. What can I say!? ... :)

As I was driving in listening to Nevis Radio ... 'Grrrr that chuchter music'. As I was sitting there listening to some great live sounds, was struggling not to get up and have a wee dance.

'What's the name of the band?'
'No name ... just whoever wants to come jam'
... Awesome! :)

Think I need more exercise! :)

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