
By amartian

Friday 21st Feb!

Blipfoto! I know you write the date. But I just had to write it too!

Great day!

Eased out of sleep, ahhh. Hills a windy but skies a blue :))))), ahhhh. Hoovered, my wee van :). Steam, swim 50, sauna, swim 10, steam, ahhhhhh :)))). Torrential rains (will be snow on the hill!!). ! :). Chilli (except it was chickpeas) with choritzo ... and broccoli veggie goodness :)))) yep!. Niall and Susie :))) Film Fest, Hill Running Night. Film on the Dragon's Back Race, talk by Mann Gorman ... all the hill running goldfish of Fort William :) (I need to learn the Scythe Poem!) aye. And home and just couldn't stop having a wee tidy up! .... Aw.

:))))) Big grins :))))))

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