Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast

(Not so) goody bag......'s the result of a follow-up trip to the docs this morning. Blood pressure still high (a 25 min wait in the waiting room didn't help!) so pills changed and 'while I was there, did we talk about cholesterol last time?' Er no, I said. Well, says the doc, that's a bit high too....result, a positive plethora of pharmaceuticals, a referral for an ECG and a heavy hint to go and get my eyes tested, oh, and more blood letting in a fortnight to boot.....the blood pressure monitor was an impulse buy in the next-door pharmacy while the pharmacist was loading the required wheelbarrow (lucky it wasn't a long wait or I'd have probably bought a nit comb and a bottle of California Syrup of Figs while I was at it;-))

And I only went in the first place because of a bit of gout........

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