Too cold for a swim

This is a quick blip and run today, I've been to see an Osteopath this morning regarding my neck problems and I'm going to have 10 sessions to start with which are covered by our medical insurance, and as part of today's treatment she did acupuncture as well. I've had it before and it worked very well so fingers crossed.

On my way back I passed the Lido which looked lovely in the sun, so I stopped to take some photos. With the blue sky you could be tricked into thinking it's a summer's day, but it's 9 degrees with a very cold wind, and much too cold for a swim in the pool. I've blipped the Lido before but on a very wet grey day, so I thought it would be nice to show it to you in all it's glory. If you check out my other blip, I wrote about the history of it and how they're trying to raise money to restore it. They've just been given £60,000 which is a start, but they still need to raise a lot more.

I'm off out now to meet the girls for lunch and I wanted to get my blip done beforehand so I can enjoy myself without trying to find something suitable - I'm making the most of my free time, before I start work!

In other news, Louis went on ok with the dog walker yesterday, he was a bit grumpy with her to start with, but by the end he was sat letting her stroke him, so we're going to go out for a walk together next week, before she takes over the week after.

Anyway, I'd better dash otherwise I'll miss my bus. Hope you have a good day and I'll catch up with you later.

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