
By paulcoates95

Meet Scrabble

She is our new puppy - a springer-doodle. Such a tiny thing. We get to bring her home sometime next month and we can't wait. I've always considered myself a dog man. We had them as kids, and we had one when Rosa was growing up 'Much' (of a Muchness).

Tess & Billie can't wait to get her home, nor can I. Sara's a bit more nervous - the lack of freedom plus the smell of dog. But she's up for it.

I run most days, 6 miles. And I walk serious distances, usually 25 m a day. I also work from home, so my life is A+ suited to having a dog, and ever since Much, I've been hoping we'd have one again.

I'm sure there'll be more dog photos over the coming year.

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