Off Centre

By RachelCarter


There were lots of shootings going on on our walk today.
Spring is definitely fighting its way in.

Still no lambs though. They must have been hidden away out of the wet.

Getting out of the house feels like the only sensible thing I've done all day. I'm still trying to find a psychologist to do an Asperger's assessment. I finally had a couple of replies today and a bit of a shock regarding fees... but I'm nowhere near feeling that I've found what I'm looking for yet. It's all filling my head and taking over my life at the moment. It's making me eat badly - either too much or not enough, and I'm drinking too much wine in the evenings. Sitting still with my own thoughts is not an option. The only way I can feel vaguely relaxed is to eat too much, drink too much and watch too much TV before bed. Unfortunately I'm waking up several times a night and feeling quite unwell. I'm also wandering around confused and forgetting what I'm doing. If I could just find the right person and book an appointment I think I might be able to function a bit better.

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