Dead light

Today was a day lived with a fair amount of intensity. What gets achieved on days like these is merely a by-product and not the sole motivation. I enjoyed the way the day began, the blue skies, the wind, the play between light and shade. I like seasons. Especially since they don't always make their presence felt here.

After a long time, I thoroughly enjoyed table tennis. The game requires you to be in the present. I'm talking milliseconds here. In a split of a second everything changes. There's a whole new perspective to idea of inertia. It is to be overcome. The mind enters a new space where awareness is reduced to a minimum, only the bare essentials remain. To give an example, I bruised my hand but have no idea how. I glimpsed a bit of blood but felt no pain. I played. Only when the game was over did I feel the stinging sensation. I returned. And remembered how parts of childhood used to be.

In these situations, though the will to win is overpowering, it's not the victories or defeats, but the way we tried that will be remembered.

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