
By Munklebob

Worship the camera

Worship at the altar. That little box of dark with a little bit of glass attached is capable of so much. Whatever it is, from Box Brownie to Phase 1, it is so much more than the sum of it's parts. It's a translator, it takes your ideas, your visions and turns them into pixels, or silver deposits or dyes. It takes those things that everyone walks past day to day that are beautiful, that you notice. Those things you want to show, to highlight, to isolate from their surroundings. Or it shows the fanastic things that you have seen that few other people can see because of geographic location, or over familiarity maybe. It allows them to become an image, a piece of art, a statement.
(Also it's a way of including another shot of the Leeds Corn Exchange without it getting boring if you look closely).

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