
By carliewired

A Blue Ribbon!

It was a day of
surprises, from beginning
to the very end!

~ carliewired

I was up late last night. I'd had a wee nap (almost 3 hours) in the afternoon. I had some energy left after D turned in for the night. I thought I should bake something for our art show this weekend. My first choice of recipes didn't make it off the launch pad because it required a mixer, which I don't have in my winter home. I did a google search to find something simpler. I came up with jam squares, which only needs a pastry blender for mixing so that plan was a go. Best to do baking at night when the windows are still open and heating up the house isn't an issue. I rolled into bed in the early hours this morning when the job was done.

The first surprise came as I woke to male voices outside the bedroom window before 8 AM. D had arranged to have a contractor seal our roof with a coating to prevent leaks. With all the heating and cooling here in the Sonoran Desert, roofing takes quite a beating. One has to prepare for the summer monsoons while we are away. Yuma receives less than 3 inches of rainfall each year on average, but most of it can arrive in one horrendous storm over the summer months.

After brunch, D and I drove over to the library to see the art show that we helped set up yesterday morning. As a member of the association, I entered two Arizona photographs that I had made into wrapped canvases. One is a photo of a ground squirrel munching on a barrel cactus. The other is a photo I took at the Colorado River Crossing Balloon Festival showing the balloons inflating at dawn, then taking off. The photos were entered in the beginner category because I've never entered a photography show before. The surprise for me was I received a blue ribbon for one of them. Wow! I'm still in shock.

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