
By McZoo

Back in Clinic

Our first morning case presentation was today. My classmate did an excellent job presenting the child with a rash and joint pain typical for HSP. I was quite happy that I didn't have to go first. These aren't going to be bad at all (I think). Now that we all know what to expect it should get a lot more interesting for the next few (more discussion). I have until the 20th of March to figure out a case to use.

Back in clinic, general pediatrics clinic that is. We had a very slow day, since my preceptor was giving a lecture. It was a nice experience as far as getting my feet wet goes. I got to have some extra time to kind of figure out how she likes her documentation done before being thrust into the busy full clinic schedule. I also realized that not being a parent, not having spent a lot of time around kids (only child), and not having treated a lot of kids in the past, I have a lot to study as far as normal development goes. In pediatrics everything depends on the age range of the child, so the things you worry about, check for in physical exam and talk to the parents about are different. Lots of studying.

After clinic (it was only a "half-day"), I went over to the children's hospital to get my very first flu shot. I was not happy about this. I haven't had the flu and flu season is almost over. However, we are not allowed into the inpatient area at the children's hospital without having a flu shot. This is due to the potential danger to all the kids. I understand and appreciate the reasoning, and I know that this is just the first in a long line of flu shots for me. So I sucked it up and went in. Damn do these shots hurt though! Feels like a tetanus vaccine (didn't think the flu shot would be that bad). So, here is to hoping I don't get sick (with the understanding that between a sick husband and days worth of sick kids, this is highly unlikely). I also won't be able to in good faith blame getting sick later on the shot.

Today we were lazy about preparing dinner. (We kind of have been all week.) So we ordered sushi from Big Fish Sushi. It was not as good as Little Lily Sushi, even though they always get my order wrong.

Photo: At Occupational Health (where I went for the flu shot), they had these wonderful stuffed helicopters and ambulances emblazoned with the logo for the hospital and their pediatric transport team. I LOVE it!

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