
By Purplepants

In the centre of Ieper (Ypres)

Day 5
We packed up in the morning and took a drive over to see the Flanders Fields war museum and the Menin gate.

The museum is beautifully done - in the Cloth Hall building which is to the left in this blip and was completely rebuilt after the First World War when only a part of the tower and rubble remained. The exhibitions were done in a way to make them accessible in Flemish, French, English and German; very modern and spacious. It was very exhausting, though.

The gate was very sobering too. I was surprised by how many Commonwealth soldiers were inscribed on the Menin Gate specially Australians. So many young men...

It is a busy city now though, lots of teenagers happily having ice cream after school and a sense of life and vigor.
I am glad it was rebuilt and not left as a memorial site of ruins which was apparently one plan...

Then home on an evening ferry to Myki who was very cool with us for an hour or so before he forgave me and sat on my lap!

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