
By Purplepants

..Oh, Good Morning!

I opened my blinds this morning and there was a man up a post just outside the front garden! - probably a friend of this one

Lots of unpacking and laundry today after such a late arrival yesterday.

I became increasingly worried about Myki though, who was being very stand-offish and yowling at me when I tried to pick him up for cuddles... I watched him and I was sure he had a lump at the base of his tail and was holding the tail horizontally instead of up in the air.... The lump seemed very tender. I thought he might have been bitten by another cat...

A visit to the vet - it turned out I was correct. After some loud 'off-stage' yowling when the vet and nurse took him out the back to shave the area and clean up the infection - we returned back with antibiotics and within a few hours he seemed much happier. By the evening he seemed to be quite sprightly and affectionate again!

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