Scenes from my desk

By alaistairsdesk

Sure I've blipped this before!

Up at 5am - but goodness knows what my body thinks it is. Managed to sleep about 3 hours :(

Then flight to Sydney. Check-in was packed, so checked out if I can use any of my frequent flyer cards with Qantas. I just smiled and walked up to the business queue where there were only 2 people.

But wait! There was an issue....they couldn't find my visa to get into Australia (do you think English folk will need Visas when we get independence?).

So I just dived into my laptop bag and pullout out my other passport. Thankfully the electronic visa was on that one...although I'm not sure the check-in girl was convinced who I was and why I was carrying two passports.

Got to Sydney - and went for a walk in the was quite pleasant. Bought K a present - then sat and watched the boats in the harbour.

I've been here before!

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