Light Tulips

We have a pulley maid which is a very useful device to dry washing in an ethically superior way. Invaluable if it is raining outside and it certainly was today.

The end of the pulley maid had fallen from the ceiling. They just do. Without human intervention, without notice or warning, they just fall.

Putting it back up is straightforward but you have to go through a process. First of there is an investigation of why it fell in the first place. Such investigations do take time and this one ended with the conclusion that it wanted to fall down. Cup of tea.

Then there is the phase of using this as an opportunity to put the pulley maid somewhere else. We had never sought such an opportunity but, given the circumstances, it needs to be investigated. Eventually, you decide it goes back up more or less where it had been. Another cup of tea.

Then there is the clearing of space beneath the pulley. And it is amazing what can be found. An old magazine, for example. To be read over the next cup of tea.

Then there is the fetching of necessary tools and the ladder from the shed. This may involve a number of trips for those tools most critical for the operation are those which are left behind in the shed.

Then there is the manoeuvring of the ladder in a very confined space. And it left its mark on the walls and cupboards around. Then there is the climbing of the ladder to survey the scene at close quarters. It is only up there in a very precarious position that you realise you should have gone to the toilet because of all those cups of tree which have been drunk.

And so it went on. 10 minutes fixing, 4/5 hours just flapping around and drinking cups of tea. It is up there again.

Thank goodness for the calming serenity of tulips.

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