Cross My Path

A day of work sandwiched in between to very different interactions with friends today

This morning's was with a friend who knows me so well through the bad and good times that she feels like a sister . We had to have a frank discussion about something in her life today and I hope I have given even a small amount back of what she have given me over the years in terms of support . Good times bond you as friends but challenges cement that bond more. NB Wine and cake also do this, must procure her some of both . She will be ok but it's horrible when horrid stuff happens.

This evening was an impromptu dinner with Wendy and hubby Tony and a chat about life and death, politics and bees . I always feel so relaxed and nourished when I leave theirs, they are down to earth good people

I feel so lucky to have had both these friends cross my life path . I know I say this shit all the time but I genuinely love the people in my life and I don't believe you can ever say it enough.

Been singing this song about friends for the past hour... Cheers Ms King

Thank you buddies xx

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