From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Things that go bump in the night...

I was a bit lacking in enthusiasm today. Typical Monday down here in Solihull I suppose. It didn't help that I felt (and looked) 150. This was mainly due to the fact that despite being in bed soon after 11pm which is very reasonable for me, something woke me at 2am! You know how it is; you get out of bed assuming you need the bathroom feeling slightly puzzled and then it takes you ages to drop off to sleep again, typically for me about 5 minutes before the dratted alarm.

I found out what it was when I stumbled downstairs after my shower at 5:30am. I nearly fell over my Committee clock which had clearly decided to jump off the wall in the middle of the night. It must have made a hell of a boing! Anyway, it seems OK and is now standing on the hall table instead. It's still bonging.

I went into the office today via McDonalds which was actually quite busy for a change. The zombie invasion seems to have called a temporary halt. I didn't stay long and was pleased to find my door already open when I got to the council house just after 7am. I nearly committed murder in the lift coming back from getting my egg toastie. A totally rude bat jumped straight into the lift without waiting for me to get out first. I hate that sort of thing! Didn't it occur to her that there would be more room for her if she'd let me get out first? It was obvious I wanted to get out! As I was really starving, I let the incident pass without splattering blood up the lift walls....

The morning drifted on and I went out with my camera at lunchtime in search of something interesting. The sun was shining and it was quite pleasant despite the stiff breeze. I felt really silly in my big coat modelled by Bony but I assure you I didn't have the hood up. This is one of the few shots I took on the very busy high street. No idea why the ambulance was there. Since having a ride in a Scottish ambulance to Ayr Hospital in early March last year, I feel a bit peculiar when I see ambulances.

Go large....

That's it. I am done waffling.

Track? Classic Peter Green tonight - Black Magic Woman

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