Two's a Crowd

There was some fascinating and insightful commentary on yesterday's blip. I'm not going to have time to respond tonight. I'm not sure I could even if I had time. My thinking brain has shut down. I'm totally drained. Next week's go-live deadline is looming large on the horizon and there seems to be more left to do now than when I got into the office early this morning! I'm not quite sure how that works, but it's not good!!

A quick mention of Peter here, sitting on the right of this bench. He was on a day out from his hometown of Brighouse about 15 miles away, using his free bus pass. He said that he gets out somewhere almost every day. I asked him if he was still fit and he said indeed he was, but he did get tired quite quickly. He was very proud to tell me that he is 91 years old. What a gentleman. The sun came out as I was trying to take his portrait and I'd forgotten what a challenge that can be. It didn't feel right to ask him to walk somewhere with more favourable conditions!

My youngest has blipped tonight for the first time in months. He's been having a blast down in London but the hard work now kicks in. He's in a group of 56 students on the TV Production course and they are now set to produce a four-part drama series. Roam bid for and got the chance to direct the first episode which he co-wrote back in the first term. First job is casting. I spoke to him on the phone this evening and it was joy to hear so much passion and drive and enthusiasm. That's the thing I've most craved from my kids. Feeling very proud of the lad tonight.

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