
By Angelique


I was only saying the other day to Sir that it would be nice to have ducklings on the pond this year!!

Last year we had nothing apart from the permanent Moorhens, already blipped. The previous year it was Canadian Geese, 7 babies successfully reared. So you can imagine my amazement when out of the blue, this little family appeared as I went to go home at lunchtime. For a start I didn't know we had a mating pair. The drake sometimes appears on the pond and it was only last week that I had noticed a female. Well they certainly didn't 'hang about'.
Still dont know how they managed it but they are certainly previous in their timing.

I only hope we dont get a cold spell now as they wont survive. As it is, will have to keep a sharp eye out for Mr Fox (blipped previously).

So that was my excitement for today. If you look closely you can just about make out 10 ducklings.

Hope your day has been a surprise in a good way. Nearly Wednesday, half way through another week. Our bin night tonight, it does come round quickly. Looking forward to some promised sunshine tomorrow.

Thank you for 'looking in' and I hope you like my offering.
Hugs and good wishes to you all my fellow blip friends:))

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