'Y' for 'Yackers', Coffee, Cameras and a Maserati!

Today I had my 3rd BN meeting - Blippaholics Non-anonymous !!

I met SuesEyeView, 55 Daisies, and Life in Brighton at a Garden centre. After hours of therapy, eating and laughing, we went out and played with a Maserati. As you do! Please see the links above. I opened one at work (dont tell anyone) and burst out laughing! I just took this boring blip of cameras and coffee - while the others showed off their camera skills with their big fancy equipment - mines the tiny one!!!. Im not jealous!!

So heres my 'Y' for DDW's February Challenge of 'Yackers' - that was us - for 3 hours!!

If anyone fancies another BN meeting, we will try and arrange one at Wisley RHS gardens near Guildford. I can get a guest in for free!

Have a great evening.


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