
By lauramary

Day 79

Overall a much better day. That's not to say there weren't some very hard parts but there were definitely some very good parts too.

I woke up pretty haunted by a hideous dream I had been having about dying and not being saved. I know it was just a dream but the thought of dying did hang over me for a lot of the morning but I tried to cling on to Jesus and remember that dying is not the end!

I had a brief but very fun lunch with Christine and then went to John Lewis with Bibs for free hot chocolate and cake. Everyone should get a free myJohnLewis card! It would have cost us £9.70 for everything we had but we didn't have to pay a penny - amazing! To make it even more lovely, the sun was shining and we had a gorgeous view over the rooftops of Cambridge. If only I had taken a photo!

When I got back from that I was pretty low and exhausted but eventually dragged myself downstairs to keep my housemate company for her birthday. That did actually pick me up. I was a bit bothered by worrying about Alice. I think she is pretty sad.

It took me a while to calm myself down about this and realise the best thing I can do is pray for her and ask God to show me what I can do to help her. There is no use worrying about her and ruining my time if it isn't going to help her in some way. I think I also need to accept I can't control everything and there will be bad things.

It got to nearly midnight and I had no photo. I was in bed at this point and petty uninspired but then I noticed my little friend 'Gilbert Jnr.'. My friend knitted him for me after about two years of me telling her how much I love her bigger knitted frog 'Gilbert'! I love him!!

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