Uke 2

Day 2 of the Ukelele project. I'd have to say, they are fascinating machines to a musically un-inclined person such as myself.

Hannah gave me a quick demonstration, then the shot. I've since learned that we're looking primarily at the Nut, and then the Headstock consisting of the tuning pegs and keys.

Busy day again, followup training session to a workshop I ran, then a proposal, another proposal that came in,. I ran out of time to call a new client, although maybe I procrastinated. It's not going well - one of us is going to fire each other. I'm waiting for him to blink first, so then we at least get paid for him wasting our time ...

One year ago and I note that the flax were out. They are currently just budding. Does that mean it's been a cold spring? Maybe.

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