Part 2

I wasn’t going to post another photo from the past, but I really felt that I had to set the record straight regarding yesterday’s pictures. Also, as I have spent a bit of time today looking into the context of the pictures (and sorting one of my many family history files into the bargain), it does reflect one of today’s preoccupations.

The photographs yesterday provoked a lot of interest and it made me look again at them. Two comments that Maria made suddenly caused me to have a rethink about them, and about this one. She said something that I didn’t know, that once men had enlisted they were required to wear their uniforms on all occasions, so that meant the photographs I blipped yesterday could not have been wedding photographs, as my grandfather was by then a soldier. She then said something I should have realised - a wedding photograph would have them both together - of course!! So, with a bit more detective work, I think I sorted the photographs out. This so often happens in this kind of research. Just one comment, thought, idea and you see things in a whole different light.

So, for anyone interested, this is what I now think happened. In May 1915 my grandmother’s only brother was married in Middlesbrough and, as she witnessed the marriage, I feel she was probably a bridesmaid or attendant at the wedding. I think they then all went to a Photography Studio close by (I found the address on the back of the photographs) and had portraits taken - the ones I blipped yesterday. Four months later, in September 1915, my grandparents were married and, as by then he had enlisted, I am pretty certain that this is the wedding picture. I found another copy of the same picture in postcard format and a message written by my grandmother dated November 1915. I think she sent these out to friends.

The wedding took place at Bradford Register Office, despite the fact that her father was a keen Chapel man. So it would seem likely that the wedding took place very quickly, before my grandfather went abroad with his regiment. I wonder how many other weddings took place in these circumstances. It’s hard to tell, but I think she has taken a glove off to show the ring. I don’t know what she is holding.

I have not yet researched my grandfather’s service in the war. I know he was in the Army Service Corps/ Motor Transport Section, but what exactly he was driving and where he went I really don’t know. It’s about time I looked it all up and found out. He used to tell us such stories, but sadly I cannot remember them.

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