
By Nigel

It's Coytans Fer Yee!

The movement of these curtains represents the last step in changing the way we use the space in our flat. We have essentially two rooms occupying a square floorplan between them. One half is the bedroom and the other half an open plan kitchen/lounge. This means we have a huge bedroom we sleep in and a rather small lounge leading directly into the kitchen. When Jen wants to watch Neighbours/Eastenders/X Factor I cannot retire into the kitchen to occupy myslef cooking without still being able to hear the TV, which has to be turned up to compensate for the noise I make in the kitchen. Over the past week I have gradually shifted furniture so that we have a large lounge and a small bedroom opening directly onto the kitchen, a slight problem whose impact has at least been reduced by dividing the kitchen/bedroom with curtains. As well as being able to cook to my heart's content with the radio on while Jen watches what she wants on TV we are also a much more healthy 15' or so from the TV rather than the 9' or so we were before.

We watched Star Trek tonight, awesome overall though where on Earth was Simon Pegg's Scottish accent supposed to be from! I really liked the fact that it was just a complete from scratch, forget everything that went before remake rather than trying to tack it in somewhere to the existing chronology.

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