Panto flowers #5

Ok, so these are not from the panto bouquet but they were given to me by friends after the panto and I want to preserve them before they start to go over. I think they can still be classed as part of the series. The sun was out today so these were taken in natural light from the window, sitting in my bay.

A long day today. The school governors meeting was longer than expected so I missed my dinner as I was out this evening watching our youngsters perform "The Wizard of Oz". They were brilliant!

Yesterday I visited a delightful lady the day after her 95th birthday. We got on to talking about photography ... now, there's a surprise! She asked me if I could take a photo of her birthday flowers. I only had my phone with me but I gave it a try. She was delighted today when I took her the prints of the two photos, which had come out quite well using the natural light from the window. The phone camera proved quite useful!

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