Two Stones

This is my first move into Blip symbolism.
A forced move because it is impossible to snap something that has disappeared. Hopefully forever.
On the 2nd of Jan I stood on the scales and to my horror I was heavier than I had ever been in my life. Combined with a slightly wooly head after the Xmas excess, it was not a good moment.
That day I pledged to do something about it and set myself a target of losing two stones in two months.
The fine wine was locked away and I went "dry", I took up the 5:2 diet and did a lot more exercise. I tried to do some sort of physical activity every day.
To be honest, it wasn't that difficult once I flicked the switch in my head. Yes, there were times when I could easily have reached into the cupboard to open a bottle of wine. Eating out has been reduced but I still had a curry at the weekends. And I have battled round golf courses in really foul weather.
Today, when I stood on the scales I had made it. By 8 ounces.
So, now the dilemna. Do I continue with this regime?
No, I can tell you the corkscrew will be out of the drawer this weekend. But I do intend to maintain the exercise and keep to this weight.
The stones are a purchase from the beautiful Morvern gallery on the west coast of Lewis. Lewisian Gneiss book ends.

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