
By stujphoto

The last emergency blip

Thanks for all your plaudits and support yesterday in getting my anniversary blip well into Spotlight. However, I have decided that now is the time for me to cut back on my commitment to Blipfoto. I will continue to blip occasionally , maybe most days as I do find that blipping regularly improves my photography no end , at least I hope so, and encourages me to try new techniques. However, for two or three months I have been finding it increasingly difficult to produce new and interesting blips and have felt that I have come to rely too heavily on emergency blips and repetition. The weather certainly hasn’t helped. Give me frost and snow any day rather that the monotony of grey skies and rain. I said to myself a couple of months ago that if I hadn’t got my blip mojo back by my 500th blip I would give it a rest and that’s how I am still feeling after my anniversary. The principal way in which I will be cutting down my time commitment to Blip is by dropping my regular hour or so each day commenting on other people’s blips so to all my subscribers and to those to whom I subscribe ( mainly the same people ) please accept my humble apologies and thanks for all the support you have given me over the past year and a half..

There are, however, positive reasons why I have had this change of heart. For some years now I have been intending to produce a Blurb Photo Book of my best photos over the past thirty years. I tried to make this a more concrete commitment last year by asking my children on my 70th birthday to give me Blurb vouchers as I felt that would motivate me to get started. So far I’ve tinkered with it but not made any real headway. It is now over a year since I received these vouchers and I feel I need to devote time exclusively to produce this book. It will be a magnum opus as it will be at least two hundred pages of images so it needs quite a bit of effort and time and that is why I must concentrate my efforts elsewhere. Hopefully making a public pronouncement on this will be a further spur to my efforts. I fully intend to blipping full time in the future.

My image today is very much an emergency blip, an ornament from my neighbour’s garden., but I rather like her wry smile.

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