Don?t Know Nuffink

By Mrski1

Banana Bread

I knew today would be a drag, it hadn't exactly started well with having a dreadful sleep i'm lucky if i managed to get a total of 2 hours, which meant by 10am I was shattered. I decided to go to the gym at work to wake myself up, this sounds odd but it really does work for me, I left the gym feeling great with tired and heavy limbs and got back to my desk, this feeling only last another hour or so before I descended into a hazy state, unable to consentrate and just wishing for 16:20 to arrive so I could jump on the bus home for a sleep.

I arrived back in Ellon feeling refreshed and made a quick trip to Tesco to buy some food for tea (peppered mackerel and lemon cous cous), once this had been demolished I noticed we had some ripe bananas perfect to use in some banana bread so headed to the kitchen once more, its the first time I have made it so hopefully it tastes good once it has cooled down!

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