
I wish I'd got up and gone swimming when I woke at 6, instead of lying abed and then being distracted. It meant by the time I got to the pool it was full of kids there for lessons. Not in my part of the water but everywhere else. It was a cold wait for the shower. Note to self - get up earlier next week.

I had to scrape the car this morning. First time for a very long time. But the sun means I've got washing out. Also the first time for ages.

Today is going to be a slow day. Some housework and may go in the garden. There are a few rogue snowdrops in the lawn that need shifted.

I took the camera this morning because Arthur's Seat and the Crags always look so good from the Pool and the phone camera is just not good enough.

When I came out just after 10 there were already folk up the Crags and on the lion's head summit. Maybe that's what I should be doing.

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