
By cowgirl

My mummy makes me laugh!

Back to the farm with Mary's present ( a red body warmer/gillet, depending on how 'posh' you are! ) today. We played some games on my iPad and had cuddles with Alex.

Lunch with the in-laws ( if Sav and I were married, but that's just a technicality! ) and then back to theirs for a cuppa and to meet up with his step-mum's sister, Angela. You know there are some people who's whole life is like a comical sit com? Well, Angela is one of them! It helps that she's a psychiatric nurse of course, never a dull moment in her working life, but her out of work life is just as entertaining, if not more so!

We're back at my mums for tea, then off to see my God Mother who lives round the corner. I love being up here, it's all go!

Tomorrow we have a meeting with the people who's house we're trying to buy. Will let you know if it will be going ahead after all this waiting or not. I will be so upset if they want to tell us they're pulling out ....

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