
I confess to spending hours and hours - most of the day in fact - lying on my bed, surrounded by furry felines and attached to my inbox and other internet associated tasks and stuff, whilst listening to (and eventually finishing) "Storm Front" (Jim Butcher) - a great story btw - and/or reading, or at least thinking about reading, stuff related to the dissertation so sadly neglected of late, and interrupted intermittently with time spent painting in my sketch book (more anon) before finally logging off and shutting down and then visiting Karen upstairs who most generously provided vittles (thank you) and companionship for a very pleasant evening. After dins we watched Midsomer Murders courtesy of YouTube. Libby (Karen's honey pictured here) was not even remotely interested in our chosen episode due to a general absence of canine appearances.

Today was cold and very uninviting @ 10ºC and miserable Istanbul Grey.

And on the theme of not being active, here is a tenuous link to DDW's vocabulary challenge for March:-

“One of the most pusillanimous things we of the female sex have done throughout the centuries is to have allowed the male sex to assume that mankind is masculine. It is not. It takes both male and female to make the image of God.”

― Madeleine L'Engle, The Irrational Season

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