
By lauramary

Day 82

I was so unexcited by the prospect of another day when I woke up this morning. The best thing to do, I decided, would be to go back to sleep. So I slept the morning away until it was time to get up to go to Helen's. I was not happy as I walked there, missing Lucy quite a lot (I was walking past where we had our appointments).

Once with Helen, I just couldn't especially be bothered to do anything but I went ahead without complaining. Slowly, over the five hours I was there for, I warmed up a bit. I quite enjoyed playing UNO with her! I have been feeling fat though which isn't great.

Then it was time to go home and I felt miserable, alone and afraid of spending the evening in. As I walked to get the bus, I was uplifted by first the beauty of the sunset (I do seem to quite like my river* and sunset photos...) and then bumping into some friends.

I got back home and managed to challenge myself to do some washing, some cooking and some tidying! I only got slightly bothered OCD-wise. I had a nice chat to my brother too so quite a positive evening really.

Now, I absolutely must restart my mood ratings! The psychiatrist is not going to be impressed - especially when he can't see numerically how finishing CBT affected me. Oops.

Morning d-4 a-2
Afternoon d-3 a-2
Evening d-2 a-4

*today is actually quite an appropriate day to have a photo of the river as it was the final day of the twice-yearly three day rowing competition 'Bumps'. From my limited knowledge about rowing, different boats start at different times and you get points (or something) based on how many boats you 'bump'/overtake. Despite this being the ninth 'Bumps' I have lived in Cambridge for, I have only once been to watch it but even then didn't see it. I somehow went to the wrong place on the river and just got very wet (from rain) as we waited for the boats that never came! I think the oar that can be seen in the photo, sticking out the river is probably suggesting this would have been the place to be watching and not wherever it was that I went four years ago!

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