Lorikeets Rule!

Rainbow Lorikeets are the dominant birds right now. For whatever reasons, known only to my feathered visitors, they seem to take turns in dominating the food dish and right now, it's the Lorikeets turn.

I tried to count how many I had here this afternoon, but couldn't, they jump around so fast, however, I did take a quick tally from one of my photos and there were more than thirty around the food bowl and on the old feeding table.

Last night I added a very quick blip just before midnight, and being so late as it was, my planned story didn't get added, but it did involve a Rainbow Lorikeet! So here's yesterday's story ~

Emma and I had one of our regular cooking sessions during the afternoon (giving me some inspiration for Hobbs upcoming Mono Monday challenge, to be themed "food"!) when Emma suddenly, and rather quietly too (which isn't like Emma at all!) did the rounds of the house to have everyone come to the back door to see what she had seen.....

There, sitting on the back veranda, quiet and relaxed as could be, was Miss Tibbs. Nothing unusual about that, other than there was a Rainbow Lorikeet sitting right next to her, perhaps less than a metre away! The pair of them, as Emma put it, were just chillin' together on the veranda!

I (quietly) dashed off to grab my camera, but the bird flew away before I could get the photographic evidence of this extreme event, however next thing, Miss Tibbs skittled up the nearby franginani tree, leaving me to wonder where the bird was....

I think Miss Tibbs wondered the same by the look on her face, as you can see in yesterday's blip.

So my theory is, Lorikeets Rule the Garden! (Sorry Miss Tibbs....!)

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