
By hpx

Worchester St bridge

A quick lunch time back-blip. This was taken very late last night, towards the end of my 3 hour night photography course in central Christchurch.

I nearly froze. While technically not quite yet summer it would have been nice to not need to wear a woolen beanie and down jacket (and everything else). On the other hand I'm glad I did. Fingerless gloves would have been a useful addition.

Still being reviewed and restructured, still 'going forward' and 'leveraging our synergies' ;-) The suggestion we've been considering is a bit odd but it will work out.

There is a communication breakdown between the Fur Child and I. Yesterday I found one of my knives by the cat door and a fork in the lounge. I want him to bring me useful (and preferably expensive things ;-), not attempt to take my cutlery elsewhere.

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