
By Alberta


I am drinking this in as it the last of these we will see for a while. It is a sad day though as Alex is quiet .. the course he had applied for was with the Jane Goodall institute that works for the survival of chimpanzees.. that is his passion. There are not many Universities that have courses that specialise in this. But we shall see.

And I want to say Goodbye to Sona and her family. i had bought them each a present and they burst into tears and cried most of the time I was there. Even the father who is normally well gone with drink .. cried too and brought out a plate of crab and rice for me. They are so very very kind and so very simply beautiful ... They have so little and yet in comparison they have so much .. I hope that at some level they know this.

The sunsets have been beautiful lately as the air is clearer with some rain .. but it is so very very humid and hot now. I think I will rather like not sweating all the time. But I will for sure miss this wonderful place and these generous people.

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