White Whiskers ...

... have shown up on the right side of Uncle Buddy's face. And, as you can see, in his ear and down the side sprinkling of white hairs are taking over. His other side remains all-black. Of course, we sometimes hear it said about older men, "Oh, how distinguished that old goat guy looks with his white whiskers."
I don't know if other cats, particularly the girls, say that about our handsome UBB. But he is old for a cat, I think. What is 12 or 13 in cat years?
Now that we live in the Land of Perpetual Winter, our Uncle Buddy Budd sleeps almost all the time. Yet, out of sheer boredom the other cats do as well. So, I cannot actually tell if he is 'acting elderly' or just patiently waiting until he can run through the grass again with the wind blowing his lovely, new white whiskers for the world to admire..

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