No Looking

Continuing in my "relaxed attitude" about Blip, I decided to blip on a very long walk home from the city today - but with the camera down at my side and not looking through the viewfinder and not even bothering to slow down and stand still. Sometimes, it's good to shoot in ways like this that you really have no control over - to remind yourself that you don't always need total control to produce an interesting image. I liked this one very much, and I got some other interesting results, and they didn't even need much post!

I am going to go back on my "blip break" and probably not upload a post every day now although I will be shooting every day. I love blipping, but I don't want to get caught up too much in the website side of it, rather than the photography side of it. For me, this journal is about 1) shooting every day 2) keeping my PS skills sharp 3) looking at others' work and the community here and last and least 4) journaling. I can make more room in my life and my head by keeping those priorities straight. Thanks for understanding (even if you don't!?) and supporting me - I hope there will still be interest enough for people to check back in with me every few days.

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