
By SimonC

Night Wear

well for some of the week anyway. my little handwashing badge to encourage people to do that, although mine are getting a bit battered these days, they suffered less in the darkroom with all the chemicals than constantly using anti MRSA etc hand washes. Looks like the xmas rota is done so im hopefully working xmas day night which is better than xmas eve night shift.

Didn't have time to upload this last night so off to bed now Im back home, off to see Simon Norfolk talk later on this evening in Derby.

need to pick up a new sketchpad later for the photographic project, I do like them and theyre great for storing ideas, clippings, tangental thoughts, scribbles, doodles etc, they do help me formulate the thought processes, much as I love my mac I just dont get excited by having lots of pixel thoughts and weblinks. Its my last nod to luddite working practice ;-)

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