From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

I clearly have good taste!

Today was a quiet day, as Sundays are supposed to be. I spent the morning sorting out paperwork and devising an action plan for the week as I felt like I'd wasted loads of time last week investigating things that weren't problems. Nothing will move me off course this week...

In the middle of the afternoon after playing with my camera for a while trying every single setting through the rain streaked window - the sports setting is crap by the way and it's impossible to focus if you zoom in - it was a trip to the Dog and Doublet for dinner. I nearly didn't bother as the weather is so very depressing and dismal. I say 'is' because it's still raining now as I write.

I was only in there ten minutes sat in my usual corner seat when a grumpy foursome walked in who I'd seen many times before. They are made up of three elderly gents and one elderly lady. They walk in, have three pints of house special ale for the men and a slimline tonic for the lady, order their food, eat and drink without saying a word to each other and then all leave 28 minutes later! It was the same today, or would have been if I hadn't intervened!

The lady took her jacket off and she was wearing exactly the same checked shirt as I was wearing - Dorothy Perkins from two and a half years ago - which merely amused me but she was horrified and turned her back immediately! I couldn't stop laughing then and wandered over, tapped her on the shoulder and said 'My goodness me! Haven't we got great taste?!'

It was just like those old spaghetti westerns. The room went quiet; the door blew open and tumbleweed rolled across the floor while everyone stared in silence. I'm exaggerating slightly but seriously, the granite expressions chilled my blood. You would have believed they all had flip top heads as those dinners disappeared in record time and by the time I'd placed my order - roast beef dinner - and returned from the loo, they had finished and left! 18 minutes was how long they were there!

Well I thought it was funny anyway...

Nothing else happened today. Dull Sunday!

Looks good large

Track? I stumbled across this in the morning after reading my notes about whistling music from one of the radio shows in the week. It really made me laugh! Please give it a whirl - I Was Kaiser Bill's Batman

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