Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Big Hopper

Identification - Locusta migratoria.

I decided to show a detail view rather than a pretty picture today. I have always been intrigued by the rather fearsome set of teeth along the lower leg of this enormous grass hopper, or to be more correct, locust. It doesn’t behave like a locust, there aren’t millions of them raping the land, reducing it to a desert. I only ever see a single specimen.

The insect is a plant eater and so the teeth do not serve any carnivorous purpose of gripping prey, the teeth are on the wrong side of the leg for that anyhow. The teeth are scraped against the edge of the wings to make a communicating sound.

At close to three inches in length, a very impressive creature, rather imposing if you happen to be in its flight path and are taken by surprise. Not particularly good fliers, they tend to fly in a straight line and crash land. Flight must take an enormous effort, reluctant to take flight, they are quite forgiving to photograph.

I back blipped a bat in flight shot yesterday. Not pin sharp, but a very difficult shot to get, so I hope you take a look.


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