Just a Touch

The Boss and I went out after grub (his) looking for colour.
Well he was looking for colour...I was looking at a couple of dogs having a wonderful time playing in the lake. Strangely at moments like this The Boss often mutters about his jeans. Levi he says…levi.
Oh…sorry…Leave it. Well I suppose that makes a bit more sense but Levi would have been on his mind as this morning he was climbing into his jeans and his toe caught on a bit of excessive wear. Excessive wear is a funny thing with jeans as there are very expensive pre- ripped models that ladies fight over. At that moment they could have had his for a song as his toe widened the pre-worn bit to a chasm. Well maybe a song with cheese (agents fee). Anyway I guess that he will be going through the terrible drama of replacing the toe damaged ones tomoro.

Pick up the phone and call his favourite Christchurch store
Mutter the model and size into the phone
Mutter his credit card numbers
Wait 2 days.

As a lady (yes) I find the simplicity of this disgusting.

Oh and the old ones will be recycled into shorts locally (NOT The Bossess) just in case you thought that.

Well I think he found a bit of colour, altho he was wearing 4 layers at the time and had to wait till the tourists who were not even looking at this, moved out of his frame.

Oh Brarking news….Today I met a real live and noisily hissing CAT.
I was keen to go but The Boss started on about his pants again.

Closer touch

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