Evening at Eely Point

Size matters. Applied to my Grub dish this is a no brainer but applied to a print The Boss had a lot of head scratching today as someone wanted a print which was 3 metres wide. This is apparently (so he said) a hard ask from a 16 Mp camera but he gave it his best shot and nearly didn’t get his blip up tonight as the little green line was travelling at a snails pace inspite of his PC having multi core thingies and a very fast watsit. He thinks it was also the 900 Mb file that it was playing with. For those of you that understand this (not ME) that is kinda large. For those of you that don’t understand this it is 300 normal images from a digi camera (sorta) in the one file.

In spite of this we had a great walk tonight and I got to walk across the Golf Course with strict instructions of “NO Marking” allowed. I guess you kno about dog marking??? Well never mind ‘Cos I didn’t. We didn’t want dead spots on the fairways but The Boss did want this image which just required him to go over a fence and ME to go under it. On the way bark we discovered an open gate a short distance down the road but that is just not as much fun he said.

Gotta go and get some ZZZZ’s now. SeniorNet tomoro and I can have a “lay day” while The Boss extols the virtues of upgrades.
Why is he looking at ME like that??

Get to the point?

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