With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

It's deeper than it looks

Duck 2: "Move your beak a bit to the left, and it looks like a dog.
Can you do a bird? Oh..."

The water was so clear in the torrent, the more I watched the ducks, the more mesmerised I became. I could see their feet and their shadows on the bottom of the stream. It was a bit like saying the word 'window' over and over again. It all became quite surreal - they weren't even attached to their shadows, but were just floating casually in space......

This, you understand, was a brief moment of calm and contemplation in my usual hectic Friday. The house has become a restaurant, with 8 children for lunch (couldn't eat them all) and 9 adults for dinner tonight. We should have a great evening. If it goes beyond midnight, that may be tomorrow's blip:) I may be sleeping for a while :)

Have a great weekend everyone. Watch out for your shadows :)

p.s. a wobbly dog

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