With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


Fellow blipper, sorry, I can't remember who it was, but this is for you. You went to St Elmo a few months back.

Took mum to see this fella a year back. There's a very funky 1976 version, this is the usual one.
We all slept until late after a lovely evening with the girls, Fernando and the charming Vicenc. We were going to go to 'the part of the island we never normally go near in the summer'. Deserted this time of year and only then is it obvious why it became so popular in the 60's and 70's.

However, a blip memory reminded me that I had never been to St Elmo. Turned out to be a good choice. It was amazingly quiet, a different style to much of the rest of the island, more Menorquin I thought. But there was a restaurant open.

We ate pulpo, and I gave this creature a silent toast. We also sent a cheers across the sea to AKHF and mv who should have been with us and basked in the last rays of the November (November!!!) sun.

This is the reflection in the restaurant's shield from the Westerly winds. Both our dinner and a sunset in one:)

Argentinian grill tomorrow, jam not available!

some others

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