
By McZoo

Hanging Out

So since I had another routine day at work, I thought I'd showcase what the husband had going on at work today. This is a guy from the QA department at his job doing MT testing on a back gouged weld inside the vessel hubby is working on. MT is a type of weld test that is required on certain jobs for certain welds. All very technical and confusing. However, this was hilarious!

Today we had a morning report case on Eustachian tube dysfunction, a common problem in children where the tubes in the ears don't drain well due to anatomical differences in kids and adults. So naturally, the rest of my day was about ear pain. I don't think I saw but one or two kids who didn't have ear issues. At least I finally figured out (at the end of the day), why I was having difficulty visualizing the tympanic membrane (eardrum) well in kids.

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