
By McZoo

A Look Inside....

.... that we will be getting for a long time. So last night my husband bumped his head on the cabinet. And before you go thinking, "Wow, he's got a hard head," this happened because he then got angry and slapped the cabinet door. It flew across the kitchen and broke. So, now we get to look at the contents of the cabinets until he fixes it. His PS4 game Thief arrived last night, too. Does this mean I'm rewarding less than desirable behavior?

Pediatrics Lesson of the Day: The classical presentation of things in pediatrics often differs from that in adults. For example, scabies is classically linear, between the toes and fingers and along the waistband in adults. However, in small children it is classically all over the body in clusters.

I feel like there is a whole new world of smaller humans that I must learn. At least I'm getting to visit their planet for 6 weeks, right?

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