These 4 bulls will compete in the NZ rodeo final

Coffee with old friends that I hadn't seen since the 80's although we've written every year. Then to a nephew's farm where he breeds bucking bulls. Watched him as he rode his quarter horse to separate some cows from their calves so he could drench them. Wolverine, the parent bull had something to say about that and charged the horse twice before receiving a sharp reminder who was boss! Met up with several new junior members of my family and then, HURRAH, collected my two suitcases from the local airfield. Can now change my clothes for the first time since last Saturday!

Aces of Eight (on the right) was New Zealand Bucking Bull of the Year Cup winner last year. And he and the three younger bulls have been chosen to participate in the 'open bull ride' at the rodeo finals of New Zealand this weekend. Only 8 riders and 12 bulls will compete.

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