
By Alberta

Ash Wednesday

It seems chaotic since I got back. So much post to sort out even though we have someone opening it for us and sort of dealing with it. And then one car is totally flat so just waiting for the AA and I forgot that I had arranged to meet someone for lunch ... aaaargghhh so I decided to go to church. I have not been for ages with being away. This is the church where Mr A and i got married. The vicar who married us is retired now and there is a new lady vicar who I had yet to meet. I like the service on a Wednesday as it is quiet contemplative one. In India what strikes me so strongly is how spiritual a place it is. Most of the time we can hear chanting or temple music. Most people have the coloured powder on their forehead from the temple first thing in the morning. And when anyone talks of the future .. they invariably say God Willing ... So I went to the morning service and given that I had not been for a while when I go I see the congregation (many of whom are elderly ladies) age in jumps usually of about 6 - 9 months and it is sad to see them age in the way that they walk, how they move .. how they look .. No doubt they think the same of me ..but I of course share that sentiment that i am a 27 year old in an old body wondering how the hell did this happen!! Anyway it is Ash Wednesday and this is our little church and the lady vicar was so soothing and engaging .. just what I needed..

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