
By Alberta

Clouds, bare trees and green grass

All things that I am not used to seeing. There is a lot of green in Kerala but in the palm trees and even they were turning a bit brown towards the end of our time there. Quite a dangerous time there as with the dryness and the wind large palm leaves fall often and more significantly so do the coconuts!! Our Indian friends always move us away from any coconut trees just in case..

So this kind of view is unfamiliar. I find myself looking at the clouds a lot since we were back. They were a rare occurrence where we were in India. And all the trees there well almost all were palm trees and most views would have been full of people. Such a contrast.. I am not used to the cooler temperatures yet and I am off to France where it is likely to be very cold at our home there as our electricity system there is based on demand. Every year there are a number of red days when the electricity is charged at the highest rate so everyone switches off then. These are of course the coldest days in the year. However there have not been too many of those so there is a back log of red days and they have to be allocated before the end of March so unless we want to pay a fortune we are going to have a rather cold house there for a while.. Did any of that make sense?!! I blame the jetlag... not that I get that!!

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